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Minggu, 06 November 2011


Under The Microscope
Under The Microscope uses microphotography to allow you to see right inside the human body.

The camera acts as a microscope, looking at unseen parts of the body and zooming in on the body' s cells at work.
Some microphotographs are magnified hundred of times, others thousands of times. They have been dramatically colored to bring details into crisp focus and are linked to clear and accurate llustrations that fit them in context inside the body.

New words are explained the first time that they are used and can also be checked in the glossary at the back of the book, which includes a helpful pronunciation guide.

Under The Microscope series:
Volume 1: Brain
Volume 2: Breathing
Volume 3: Digesting
Volume 4: Heart
Volume 5: Making Life
Volume 6: Muscles
Volume 7: Senses
Volume 8: Skeleton

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